Roger Federer, to me, is an embodiment of all the good things that you associate with a sportsman, and tennis in particular. I am creating a bookmark of Roger Federer 101. There are not that many websites that devote attention to Federer in English :(
Know your Federer !!
- Best place to start: Roger Federer Homepage [Link]
- Wikipedia stub on Federer: [Link]
- Profiles:
- ATP's player profile for Federer: [Link]
- CBS Sports Line profile: [Link]
- Yahoo Sports profile: [US, UK]
- ESPN profile: [Link]
- Groups:
- Google Groups for Federer in & [Link]
- Yahoo Group for Federer [Link]
- News:
- Google News search for Federer [Link]
- Topix News search for Federer [Link]
- Tennis Forums are a good place to dicuss with fellow tennis enthusiasts
- Official Forum on Federer's homepage [Link]
- MensTennisForums (MTF) [Link]
I will be adding his interviews, junior days and pre-2003 info.
Did i miss any good source? If so, please add on the comments.
UPDATE: See my
Federer Magic Blog for more info on Roger ;)