Rama's Happy Thoughts

A log of all those striving moments.

If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Tuesday, October 11

Lottery Marketshare in Ohio...

Lotteries good or bad are the prinicipal proof that 'hope is eternal' in this overtly commercialized world. Here's an easy hack to see what lotteries are popular in ohio. http://www.ohiolottery.com/

Click for a better, bigger pic.

posted at 14:52


08.04   10.04   11.04   12.04   01.05   02.05   03.05   04.05   05.05   06.05   07.05   08.05   10.05   11.05   02.06   03.06   05.06   09.06   01.07   10.07   10.08